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Frases de Robert Pattinson

As frases a seguir foram ditas por Robert Pattinson em diferentes locais e situações. Todas estão em inglês pois com tradução poderíamos mudar o sentido de alguma palavra dita por ele.


On Career and acting

“I don’t know if I’m par­tic­u­larly funny, I mean one of my legs is shorter than the other one, it makes every­thing look very awk­ward, so I can just pretty much look like an idiot, but I don’t know whether I can be like witty. It could be a prob­lem.” Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (When asked if he would do comedic roles in the future)

“I don’t know how many more of these awards I can come up for because I think a lit­tle bit is com­ing out of my pants right now.” –Robert Pat­tin­son, MTV Movie Awards (About hav­ing trou­ble going to the men’s room while accept­ing his second award)

“I aspire to be Jack Nichol­son. I love his every sin­gle man­ner­ism. I used to try and be him in vir­tu­ally every­thing I did, I don’t know why. I watched One Flew Over the Cuckoo‘s Nest when I was about 13, and I dressed like him. I tried to do his accent. I did every­thing like him. I think it kind of stuck with me.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“I walked out the wrong car door and started walk­ing into the crowd, An inter­viewer said, ‘Give your best hor­ror scream,’ and Stan did this great scream, and I was too much of a wimp to do one. It was pathetic!” –Robert Pat­tin­son (On his first red car­pet appearance)

“They [Barnes The­atre Club] were a very good group, and for some rea­son when I fin­ished the back­stage thing, I just decided to that I should try to act. So I audi­tioned for Guys and Dolls and got a lit­tle tiny part as some Cuban dancer or some­thing and then in the next play I got the lead part, and then I got my agent. So I owe every­thing to that lit­tle club.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“I am now deter­mined to do really weird parts but I think I overdo it in audi­tions so nobody really trusts me!” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“Some­times I think, ‘To hell with act­ing’ and then I real­ize I could be work­ing at a shoe shop. Act­ing is much cooler.”Robert Pat­tin­son (On acting)

In a lot of ways, I was kind of cross­ing lines of what I thought I was com­fort­able doing. I had to do all this naked stuff.” – Robert Pat­tin­son (On doing naked scenes in Little Ashes)

“I don’t know, just scripts ran­domly appeal to me.   I’m not look­ing specif­i­cally at any genre.” – Robert Pattinson

“Mainly because most movies being made now are designed in such a way that it’s all about mak­ing a lot of money.  I’m not inter­ested in sim­ply adding more shit to the pile. I’d rather just not be a part of it, in that case.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“I didn’t want to get stuck in pretty, pub­lic school roles, or I knew I’d end up as some sort of car­i­ca­ture.” – Robert Pattinson

“I don’t really like watch­ing my stuff.  It makes me feel sick.  You imag­ine you look a cer­tain way in your head, and when it looks even the slight­est bit dif­fer­ent from what you imag­ine, you go, ‘Rub­bish!’” – Robert Pattinson

Comic-Con 2009

“I don’t know if I’m par­tic­u­larly funny, I mean one of my legs is shorter than the other one, it makes every­thing look very awk­ward, so I can just pretty much look like an idiot, but I don’t know whether I can be like witty. It could be a prob­lem.” Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (When asked if he would do comedic roles in the future)

“I would. I’m just too, I’m kind of, a pussy, I guess. That’s the prob­lem. But, no, I’d love to. I think every­body should do open mics. I think it’s very healthy for your soul. So yeah, I’d love to do it again, but I don’t know. It’s like I’m cut­ting a record if I do open mic now, so, I don’t know.” Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (When asked is he would pre­form open mic again)

“I look a bit like him.” Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (When asked what he had in com­mon with Edward Cullen)

“I actu­ally think being involved in the cesarean would be… I just can’t wait!” Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (When asked what he was look­ing for­ward to in the upcoming films)

“No, not really. I mean, at the end of the day, it’s just a part. You just go into it, and like your life, you’re walk­ing along the street, as a really bad anal­ogy, you step on a lit­tle stone, and it just kind of flies away and you have no idea where it’s going. And then you are just try­ing not to drown after­wards. And that’s my life. See, that was really ter­ri­ble.” Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (When asked if play­ing Edward Cullen made him feel stronger and how he had pros­pered from the role)

“It’s almost kind of bal­letic.”Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (When talk­ing about the fight scene)

“The spe­cial effects team designed every­thing, which basi­cally allowed me to stand on a green box and look and stay rel­a­tively  expres­sion­less and all these machines did the act­ing for me. Just the way I like it (laughs)”Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (When talk­ing about New Moon)

“I don’t know. I’d like to think that I haven’t changed that much. Within myself I don’t think I’ve changed.” Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (When asked how he’s changed since last year)

“I don’t know. I still think it’s still so young, to me, any­way. I can’t claim any­thing to be a low. I pretty much live an almost iden­ti­cal life apart from being rec­og­nized. That’s not exactly the worst thing in the world.”Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (When asked about the highs and the lows of the whole experience)

“I never do any­thing nor­mal any­way. I just get other peo­ple to do it now.” [laughs]Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (When asked how he could do any­thing nor­mal with the paparazzi following him)

“It’s really funny how every­one looks at Edward as the hero and he’s been con­tin­u­ously saved by the damsel in dis­tress.”Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (Speak­ing of Edward Cullen)

“I think that ‘New Moon’ was my favorite book as well mainly because I like the jux­ta­po­si­tion of all sud­den peo­ple being…it’s such a hyped char­ac­ter, Edward, and there are so many peo­ple look­ing at him like a roman­tic hero. In ‘New Moon’, the way that I read it any­way, he’s just so hum­bled. It’s a char­ac­ter who’s look­ing at Bella and think­ing that he loves some­thing too much but he can’t be around. He delib­er­ately starts break­ing up their rela­tion­ship which I think is a very relat­able thing and I think is very kind of painful.” Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (When asked which book of the series was his favorite)

“What’s it like kiss­ing Tay­lor Laut­ner.”Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (When asked which Twi­light ques­tion he never wants to answer again)

On fame

“I have to look over my shoul­der all the time, be really vig­i­lant because at any moment, some­one could be film­ing me or record­ing what I’m say­ing.” Robert Pat­tin­son, Pre­miere Mag­a­zine, May 2009

“It makes me feel like work­ing non-stop: at least, on sets, the level of secu­rity gives me a bit of pri­vacy. It’s a relief.”Robert Pat­tin­son, Pre­miere Mag­a­zine, May 2009

“I haven’t found one place in the world yet where I could dis­ap­pear.” Robert Pat­tin­son, Pre­miere Mag­a­zine, May 2009

“What wor­ries me the most is that I don’t know when my patience will run out, when I’ll finally do some­thing really stu­pid. Wait and see…” Robert Pat­tin­son, Pre­miere Mag­a­zine, May 2009

“All the time. A few months ago I came really close to los­ing it, I was get­ting really para­noid. And then I started a new job, things fixed them­selves. I can’t turn my back on the sit­u­a­tion and ignore it. If tomor­row I say: “Okay, I’ve had enough, we’re stop­ping every­thing” it won’t change any­thing. Might as well try to accept it and stay zen as I have no con­trol over it.” – Robert Pat­tin­son, Pre­miere Mag­a­zine, May 2009 (When asked if he some­times told him­self that he never signed of for this)

“The most embarass­ing is when friends ask you to meet up with them and you have to tell them “Sorry I can’t go to that place” because you’re fully aware pho­tog­ra­phers will be wait­ing for you there. I feel like such a weasle when things like that hap­pen, like the world has to revolve around me.” – Robert Pat­tin­son, Pre­miere Mag­a­zine, May 2009

“I don’t think any­one can under­stand what’s hap­pen­ing. Some­thing like this is so rare. It’s a mix of chance and coin­ci­dence. You wake up one day and you’re sud­denly a star.. Really weird. All of a sud­den every­one knows who you are while you haven’t changed one bit” – Robert Pat­tin­son, Pre­miere Mag­a­zine, May 2009

“I really under­stood what was hap­pen­ing in Cannes. I was in a restau­rant dur­ing a break and when I came out 2 hours later, 500 peo­ple were wait­ing for me at the exit. It was total chaos. They lit­er­ally had to carry me to the car.” – Robert Pat­tin­son, Pre­miere Mag­a­zine, May 2009

“Hon­estly, I didn’t think that I would be rec­og­nized so eas­ily.” – Robert Pat­tin­son, Pre­miere Mag­a­zine, May 2009

“No, not really. I mean, at the end of the day, it’s just a part. You just go into it, and like your life, you’re walk­ing along the street, as a really bad anal­ogy, you step on a lit­tle stone, and it just kind of flies away and you have no idea where it’s going. And then you are just try­ing not to drown after­wards. And that’s my life. See, that was really ter­ri­ble.” Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (When asked if play­ing Edward Cullen made him feel stronger and how he had pros­pered from the role)

“I don’t know. I’d like to think that I haven’t changed that much. Within myself I don’t think I’ve changed.” Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (When asked how he’s changed since last year)

“I never do any­thing nor­mal any­way. I just get other peo­ple to do it now.” [laughs]Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (When asked how he could do any­thing nor­mal with the paparazzi following him)

“Peo­ple just project their idea of my char­ac­ter on to me and they just seem to assume that I’m the same, when, in real­ity, I’m not,” –Robert Pat­tin­son, Speak­ing of Edward Cullen

“It’s strange, some­body asked for my auto­graph the other day. Because I fin­ished school and I‘m not really doing any­thing at the moment, I was just kind of aim­lessly wan­der­ing around Lon­don and these two guys who were about 30 came up and asked for my auto­graph. I was really quite proud at the time, and they wanted to take pho­tos and stuff. And then they were sort of wan­der­ing around and I was kind of wan­der­ing around and I bumped into them about three times, and every sin­gle time their respect for me kept grow­ing and grow­ing and grow­ing.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“I’m so sur­prised it’s worked out that way.  I was just think­ing the whole time that I’ve never had the per­son­al­ity to fit into that.  I’m not really afraid of it, because I don’t even know how to play up that aspect.” –Robert Pat­tin­son, When talk­ing about his sex sym­bol status

“I sup­pose I should under­stand it [fame] bet­ter by this point, but I really don’t.” – Robert Pat­tin­son, When speak­ing of fame

“I’m just scared of crowds.  I just think peo­ple require things of me when­ever there’s a scream­ing crowd, and I always think I won’t be able to pro­vide what they want, so that’s why I look scared all the time.” – Robert Pattinson

“I go through fan mail myself, but I think I might get them cen­sored, because I’m always expect­ing to get the one thing that says, ‘I know where you live and I’m going to kill you!’  I’m always expect­ing that to come, but it never seems to arrive.  I never get any neg­a­tive mail, so some­one must be cen­sor­ing them.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“Every­one just screams and screams and screams.  I have accepted it as real now, but it still feels sur­real.” – Robert Pattinson

“This is cra­zier and louder than I was pre­pared for.   With every week, the fer­vour and antic­i­pa­tion seem to grow. Peo­ple know my name and ambush me in pub­lic and try to fig­ure out what hotel I’m stay­ing at and ask me to bite them and want to touch my hair.” – Robert Pattinson

“When some­thing or some­one is hyped and you’re put on the fore­front of a lot of things, peo­ple want to tear you down. That’s kind of scary, espe­cially when you’re not really putting your­self out there.” – Robert Pattinson

“It’s strange because I’m a sex sym­bol to 14-year-old girls which I guess is not the most help­ful sit­u­a­tion to be in.  But yeah, I’ve never really thought of it.  It’s just so funny. I mean, just last year I couldn’t even get a date and then this year, the world turns and it’s so bizarre that every­body just changes their mind at the same time.” – Robert Pattinson

“I’m curi­ous to see what hap­pens in Eng­land because in all this mad­ness I think I can always go home to Eng­land and it’ll all turn off.” – Robert Pattinson

“I can’t see any advan­tage to fame.  I’m happy with the life I have now.  I’ve got the same two friends I’ve had since I was 12, and I can’t see that chang­ing.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“It’s insane.  I’ve had girls throw­ing them­selves at me since the hype started.  Now the film’s out I can’t walk down the street with­out being pounced on.  All my life I’ve hated crowds.  Now I only have to step out­doors and I’m at the cen­tre of one.  It’s very cool but it’s very uncom­fort­able too.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“I had a stalker while film­ing a movie in Spain last year.  She stood out­side of my apart­ment I used every day for weeks, all day, every day.  I was so bored and lonely that I went out and had din­ner with her.  I just com­plained about every­thing in my life and she never came back.” — Robert Pattinson

“I think some­one fol­lows me.  They do the most ran­dom stuff.  I get a photo taken through a burger drive-through win­dow and it’s like, ‘What?’.  They always seem like they’re six feet away.  I don’t under­stand.  I’m walk­ing around and I don’t see any­body.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“I’m not par­tic­u­larly good at cop­ing with it.  I just cope.  I just leave my brain at the door and just stand there.  I can get the scream­ing more than I get the photo things.  That’s the worst, when you have this wall of pho­tog­ra­phers.  I’ve never under­stood the logic in how they do it.  Every­body shouts at the same time, and you’re try­ing to do a log­i­cal thing, look­ing from the left to the right.  And they almost always end up look­ing dis­ap­pointed with you after­wards.” –Robert Pattinson

“I read some gos­sip thing say­ing, because I looked really uncom­fort­able in a paparazzi photo or some­thing, they’re like, ‘He should get used to it. That’s the price to pay if you’re get­ting $12m a movie’.   If I’m get­ting paid $12m a movie I’d walk around naked.  That’s all non­sense.  I don’t know who makes that stuff up.  Even the price for the first one was non­sense.” – Robert Pattinson

“When­ever I have to do any­thing fan-related there’s always a whole bunch of peo­ple.  My brain kind of shuts down when there are loads of peo­ple scream­ing at me.  I’m not think­ing at all so I can’t really remem­ber what’s hap­pened imme­di­ately after­wards.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“It’s a lit­tle bit over the top. I feel the same in my head I guess. I was quite a para­noid per­son any­way, so it doesn’t really feed well when peo­ple are look­ing at you.  I’m not really in the right job. I don’t like hav­ing my photo taken. I don’t like the atten­tion.” – Robert Pattinson

“Since the day I fin­ished shoot­ing there’s been at least one per­son come up to me every sin­gle day and then after the trailer came out, at least four.  It’s absolutely bizarre to me. This was before there was any sys­tem­atic pro­mo­tion of the movie.   It’s just com­pletely nuts.” –Robert Pattinson

“I’ll prob­a­bly go to Lon­don and hide.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

Fam­ily and Friends

“Up until I was 12 my sis­ters used to dress me up as a girl and intro­duce me as ‘Clau­dia’! Twelve was a real turn­ing point for me as I moved to a mixed school, and then I became cool and dis­cov­ered hair gel.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“I can’t see any advan­tage to fame.  I’m happy with the life I have now.  I’ve got the same two friends I’ve had since I was 12, and I can’t see that chang­ing.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“It’s hard for them because they want to be proud of me, but I keep remind­ing them that it’s all luck.  Luck is what got me here, noth­ing else.” – Robert Pat­tin­son, speak­ing of his parents

Funny quotes

“What’s it like kiss­ing Tay­lor Laut­ner.”Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (When asked which Twi­light ques­tion he never wants to answer again)

“I look a bit like him.” Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (When asked what he had in com­mon with Edward Cullen)

“The spe­cial effects team designed every­thing, which basi­cally allowed me to stand on a green box and look and stay rel­a­tively  expres­sion­less and all these machines did the act­ing for me. Just the way I like it (laughs)”Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (When talk­ing about New Moon)

“I actu­ally think being involved in the cesarean would be… I just can’t wait!” Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (When asked what he was look­ing for­ward to in the upcoming films)

“I don’t know how many more of these awards I can come up for because I think a lit­tle bit is com­ing out of my pants right now.” –Robert Pat­tin­son, MTV Movie Awards (About hav­ing trou­ble going to the men’s room while accept­ing his second award)

“Never trust a guy who plucks his eye­brows.” Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

“I had pecs for about two days. Every­one would hate me. Just look at me walk­ing around with my lit­tle pea­coat on. My lit­tle cus­tomized pea coat.” Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

“Some­times I think I look like I’ve had facial recon­struc­tive surgery. Like after burns.” Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

[Jok­ingly] “I hate peo­ple who cry around me. I’m not friends with them any­more. Espe­cially girls. Cuz girls are cry­ing all the time. It’s like, ‘Shut up.’ [Cather­ine Hard­wicke points out that he just admit­ted that HE cried too] But I was cry­ing over some­thing legit­i­mate. A movie.” Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

“I’d love to be able to fit in a box. Like one of those peo­ple who fit into small boxes. I’d love it.” Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

[Scene in the for­est where Edward asks Bella, “What do we eat?”]: “Cheese­burg­ers.” Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

[Scene where Edward shows off his sparkly body]: “I’m sorry, Bella. I’m just like a sweaty guy.” –Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

“I notice I have one of those butt chins. Like a nub­bin.” –Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

“Peter [Facinelli] would be so good at doing that. I want him to do the Bey­oncé biopic.” –Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light com­men­tary) When Peter walks through the doors at the hospital.

“Where’s Efron?” [Laughs] –Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light com­men­tary) When speak­ing about how they could afford some­one better now.

“In this scene, I’m talk­ing about how much I don’t like cook­ies.… I’m sayin’, ‘Lis­ten, guys. Have you read the book? We’re not sup­posed to be eat­ing.’” –Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light com­men­tary) Speak­ing of the cafeteria scene.

“Peo­ple would be in hys­ter­ics if they saw that. It’s like, wow, he’s a super­hu­man moron.… So he wears lip­stick, has a lit­tle bouf­fant, and does lit­tle cir­cus acts as well. Oh, he’s so sexy.” –Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light com­men­tary) Speak­ing of the apple stunts.

“Girls, you know it’s all just a game to them, rela­tion­ships. Just go around stomp­ing on every­one.… I mean, look at this poor guy in the back­ground with his col­lar up. You know he’s just gonna get ruined by women.” –Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

“Now lis­ten, guu­uyyysss! Come on guys. Let’s all, come on, let’s be sim­ple about this.” –Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

“My whole head is like I’ve had a face lift.” Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

“I won­der if vampire’s eye­brows can grow back.” Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

“This is a good look. I’m gonna mess him up,” Pat­tin­son praises Stew­art. “And I’m just like, I don’t know what’s going on? Where am I? I just walked out of a flower bed in this scene as well.… I was stand­ing in the flower bed and then walked out of it and then stopped and looked con­fused.… If I didn’t have con­tact lenses on, that was a really spec­tac­u­lar look I just did.… I should have had mil­lion thoughts, like Ham­let.” Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

“I thought I was sup­posed to have a fake six-pack in this scene,” Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

“I’ve got such effem­i­nate hands. I could never be strong. When­ever I even got to a save, my fin­gers would just bend back and the ball would hit me in the face.” Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light com­men­tary) Refer­ring to when he was a goalie in soccer.

“This is quite dif­fi­cult ’cause I have a really flat head, and so it’s quite dif­fi­cult to get a cor­rect angle. And you can’t go up from down below as well, ’cause I’ve got, like, rock solid gelled hair. And so, like, it was odd. I don’t know, some­times I feel like my head is being, like, turned inside out. Like that episode of Ren & Stimpy when he’s inside his own belly but­ton.  I don’t know.” Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light com­men­tary) Speak­ing of the kissing scene.

“Look­ing scary with a base­ball out­fit on and a lit­tle bouf­fant, you know, it just does not work. Espe­cially with sculpted eye­brows.” –Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

“I’m really scary in real­ity. Most of the time.” –Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

‘We have dudes with guns.” –Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

“It’s a great part. I was in a wheel­chair all the time, which is always good, just chain-smoking through­out the entire film.” Robert Pat­tin­son, speak­ing of his role as Toby Jugg in The Haunted Airman

His Life

“Up until I was 12 my sis­ters used to dress me up as a girl and intro­duce me as ‘Clau­dia’! Twelve was a real turn­ing point for me as I moved to a mixed school, and then I became cool and dis­cov­ered hair gel.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“My worst habit is speak­ing to much” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“I’m really afraid of get­ting hit by cars, like ter­ri­fied of it. I‘m ter­ri­fied of cross­ing streets. I‘m also very accident-prone…I think peo­ple aim for me.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“I got expelled from my school when I was 12; I was quite bad!” – Robert Pattinson

“I started doing a paper round when I was about 10. I started earn­ing $10 a week and then I was obsessed with earn­ing money until I was about 15.” – Robert Pattinson

“I quite liked Sharkey and George and then there was a car­toon with rap­per MC Ham­mer in it — Ham­mer­time — I loved that car­toon, it was genius! They don’t make car­toons like that any­more.” – Robert Pat­tin­son (On his favorite car­toons as a kid)

“All of my favourite actors are Amer­i­can and I grew up watch­ing Amer­i­can movies.   It’s weird I used to do a New Jer­sey accent in every audi­tion in Amer­ica, because I liked it.  It’s com­pletely bizarre and every­body would ask: ‘Where are you from?’  And I would say: ‘Oh, I’m from Lon­don!’” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“I really wasn’t very much of a rebel.  I’m seen by peo­ple now as more of a rebel which is strange.  I don’t like doing what peo­ple tell me to do.  I don’t delib­er­ately rebel against them.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“I was at a small pri­vate school in Lon­don.  I wasn’t very aca­d­e­mic.  My dad said to me, ‘OK, you might as well leave, since you’re not work­ing very hard’.  When I told I him wanted to stay on for my A-levels, he said I’d have to pay my own fees, then he’d pay me back if I got good grades.” – Robert Pattinson

“I never really con­sid­ered myself attrac­tive, really.  I was always kind of gan­gly in school.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“[School reports] were always pretty bad – I never ever did my home­work. I always turned up for lessons as I liked my teach­ers but my report said I didn’t try very hard.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“Prob­a­bly my Eng­lish teacher because she got me into writ­ing instead of just answer­ing the ques­tion. I used to hand in home­work with 20 pages of non­sense and she’d still mark it. She was a really amaz­ing teacher.” –Robert Pat­tin­son, speak­ing of his favorite teacher

“We didn’t have packed lunches at my school. I was a lunch mon­i­tor as well – I used to take everyone’s chips!” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“The girly movie i secretly love is Pippy Long­stock­ings.” – Robert Pattinson


“I would. I’m just too, I’m kind of, a pussy, I guess. That’s the prob­lem. But, no, I’d love to. I think every­body should do open mics. I think it’s very healthy for your soul. So yeah, I’d love to do it again, but I don’t know. It’s like I’m cut­ting a record if I do open mic now, so, I don’t know.” Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (When asked is he would pre­form open mic again)

“Music means free­dom to me.  But in act­ing you can pre­tend to be some­one else and I like that.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

“I don’t know much about con­tem­po­rary music.  I do have an iPod but I lis­ten to a lot of old blues.  I lis­ten to John Lee Hooker and Elmore James.  I have been lis­ten­ing to them for years.  I was obsessed with Van Mor­ri­son for years.  I went to see him recently where he per­formed Astral Weeks.  I just spent the entire night cry­ing, but I was really obsessed with Van Mor­ri­son.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

Quotes about Rob

“I’ve been stalk­ing Rob Pat­tin­son for the last 10 years, so when­ever I got a chance to get within touch­ing dis­tance of him I jumped at the oppor­tu­nity.” – Chris Weitz, Comic-Con 2009 (When asked why he wanted to direct New Moon)

“I’ve noticed that you’re very cold to the touch and have skin like mar­ble and that you glow like a dia­mond when the sun hits you.” –Chris Weitz, Comic-Con 2009 (When asked by Rob what he had in com­mon with his character)


“The stuff I find attrac­tive in women I always regret find­ing attrac­tive. I always like a kind of mad­ness in a woman… I like it when they hate me right from the begin­ning.” – Robert Pattinson

“I hope there is such a thing. I guess it would be quite scary to find a soul mate when you’re young because you’re prob­a­bly going to mess it up.” — Robert Pat­tin­son (When asked if he believed in soul mates)

“I’m always shocked by the peo­ple who I’m attracted to. It’s always com­pletely ran­dom. I gen­er­ally like peo­ple who are a bit crazy but yeah, that’s pretty much my only pre­req­ui­site.” –Robert Pat­tin­son (When asked what he looks for in a girl)

“I don’t see peo­ple. I don’t even have people’s phone num­bers. I almost don’t want to have a girl­friend, in this envi­ron­ment.” –Robert Pat­tin­son (Speak­ing of his love life)

Twi­light Saga

“It has always sur­prised me to hear that Edward was the “per­fect boyfriend”, “the per­fect guy”. To me he’s a per­son filled with anger, it wor­ries me a bit.” – Robert Pat­tin­son, Pre­miere Mag­a­zine, May 2009 (When speak­ing of Edward Cullen)

“I want him to be seduc­tive, of course, but I also want him to cre­ate fear in the audi­ence. He shows up in Bella’s night­mare, which lead to very biz­zare dream sequences. I even hope that they will desta­bal­ize.”– Robert Pat­tin­son, Pre­miere Mag­a­zine, May 2009 (When speak­ing of Edward Cullen in New Moon)

“I look a bit like him.” Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (When asked what he had in com­mon with Edward Cullen)

“I actu­ally think being involved in the cesarean would be… I just can’t wait!” Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (When asked what he was look­ing for­ward to in the upcoming films)

“It’s almost kind of bal­letic.”Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (When talk­ing about the fight scene)

“The spe­cial effects team designed every­thing, which basi­cally allowed me to stand on a green box and look and stay rel­a­tively  expres­sion­less and all these machines did the act­ing for me. Just the way I like it (laughs)”Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (When talk­ing about New Moon)

“It’s really funny how every­one looks at Edward as the hero and he’s been con­tin­u­ously saved by the damsel in dis­tress.”Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (Speak­ing of Edward Cullen)

“I think that ‘New Moon’ was my favorite book as well mainly because I like the jux­ta­po­si­tion of all sud­den peo­ple being…it’s such a hyped char­ac­ter, Edward, and there are so many peo­ple look­ing at him like a roman­tic hero. In ‘New Moon’, the way that I read it any­way, he’s just so hum­bled. It’s a char­ac­ter who’s look­ing at Bella and think­ing that he loves some­thing too much but he can’t be around. He delib­er­ately starts break­ing up their rela­tion­ship which I think is a very relat­able thing and I think is very kind of painful.” Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (When asked which book of the series was his favorite)

“What’s it like kiss­ing Tay­lor Laut­ner.”Robert Pat­tin­son, Comic-Con 2009 (When asked which Twi­light ques­tion he never wants to answer again)

“Peo­ple just project their idea of my char­ac­ter on to me and they just seem to assume that I’m the same, when, in real­ity, I’m not,” –Robert Pat­tin­son, Speak­ing of Edward Cullen

“With vir­tu­ally any­one the nice guys always seem to come last. You always get weirdos like Edward who seem to attract women for some rea­son. If Edward wasn’t a fic­tional char­ac­ter and you met him in real­ity he is like one of those guys who would prob­a­bly be an axe mur­derer or some­thing.” –Robert Pat­tin­son, Speak­ing of Edward Cullen

“Never trust a guy who plucks his eye­brows.” Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

“I had pecs for about two days. Every­one would hate me. Just look at me walk­ing around with my lit­tle pea­coat on. My lit­tle cus­tomized pea coat.” Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

“Some­times I think I look like I’ve had facial recon­struc­tive surgery. Like after burns.” Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

[Jok­ingly] “I hate peo­ple who cry around me. I’m not friends with them any­more. Espe­cially girls. Cuz girls are cry­ing all the time. It’s like, ‘Shut up.’ [Cather­ine Hard­wicke points out that he just admit­ted that HE cried too] But I was cry­ing over some­thing legit­i­mate. A movie.” Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

“I’d love to be able to fit in a box. Like one of those peo­ple who fit into small boxes. I’d love it.” Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

[Scene in the for­est where Edward asks Bella, “What do we eat?”]: “Cheese­burg­ers.” Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

[Scene where Edward shows off his sparkly body]: “I’m sorry, Bella. I’m just like a sweaty guy.” –Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

“I notice I have one of those butt chins. Like a nub­bin.” –Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

“Peter [Facinelli] would be so good at doing that. I want him to do the Bey­oncé biopic.” –Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light com­men­tary) When Peter walks through the doors at the hospital.

“Where’s Efron?” [Laughs] –Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light com­men­tary) When speak­ing about how they could afford some­one better now.

“In this scene, I’m talk­ing about how much I don’t like cook­ies…. I’m sayin’, ‘Lis­ten, guys. Have you read the book? We’re not sup­posed to be eat­ing.’” –Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light com­men­tary) Speak­ing of the cafeteria scene.

“Peo­ple would be in hys­ter­ics if they saw that. It’s like, wow, he’s a super­hu­man moron…. So he wears lip­stick, has a lit­tle bouf­fant, and does lit­tle cir­cus acts as well. Oh, he’s so sexy.” –Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light com­men­tary) Speak­ing of the apple stunts.

“Girls, you know it’s all just a game to them, rela­tion­ships. Just go around stomp­ing on every­one…. I mean, look at this poor guy in the back­ground with his col­lar up. You know he’s just gonna get ruined by women.” –Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

“Now lis­ten, guu­uyyysss! Come on guys. Let’s all, come on, let’s be sim­ple about this.” –Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

“My whole head is like I’ve had a face lift.” Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

”I won­der if vampire’s eye­brows can grow back.” Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

“This is a good look. I’m gonna mess him up,” Pat­tin­son praises Stew­art. “And I’m just like, I don’t know what’s going on? Where am I? I just walked out of a flower bed in this scene as well…. I was stand­ing in the flower bed and then walked out it and then stopped and looked con­fused…. If I didn’t have con­tact lenses on, that was a really spec­tac­u­lar look I just did…. I should have had mil­lion thoughts, like Ham­let.” Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

”I thought I was sup­posed to have a fake six-pack in this scene,” Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

“I’ve got such effem­i­nate hands. I could never be strong. When­ever I even got to a save, my fin­gers would just bend back and the ball would hit me in the face.” Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light com­men­tary) Refer­ring to when he was a goalie in soccer.

“This is quite dif­fi­cult ’cause I have a really flat head, and so it’s quite dif­fi­cult to get a cor­rect angle,” Pat­tin­son says. “And you can’t go up from down below as well, ’cause I’ve got, like, rock solid gelled hair. And so, like, it was odd. I don’t know, some­times I feel like my head is being, like, turned inside out. Like that episode of Ren & Stimpy when he’s inside his own belly but­ton.  I don’t know.” Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light com­men­tary) Speak­ing of the kissing scene.

“Look­ing scary with a base­ball out­fit on and a lit­tle bouf­fant, you know, it just does not work. Espe­cially with sculpted eye­brows.” –Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

”I’m really scary in real­ity. Most of the time.” –Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

‘We have dudes with guns.” –Robert Pat­tin­son (Twi­light commentary)

“I was really unfit last year, so I worked out for a long time, then spent time by myself in Ore­gon.  For about two months the only per­son I saw was my trainer.  Every day I did a lot of run­ning and I just didn’t want to talk to any­one for two months.  So when I started talk­ing again, it was like you would com­mu­ni­cate wrongly, like you wouldn’t really remem­ber how to speak.  That was one of the key things as well as just read­ing the book, read­ing the script a mil­lion times, just fig­ur­ing things out.” –Robert Pat­tin­son

3 Comentários leave one →
  1. anna pattinson permalink
    26 de dezembro de 2009 1:03 pm

    achei péssimo, pois quem não sabe falar ingles não entende a pagina, e nem todos tem acesso a outras linguas…pessima escolha de vcs nao traduzirem as frases do Rob… ainda bem que nem todos os sites relacionados a ele pensam assim… tirando esse detalhe o site tras assuntos interessantes… e tudo que vem dele é bem vindo… xau!!!

    • Juh Pattinson permalink*
      26 de dezembro de 2009 6:15 pm

      Anna, compreendemos sua opinião e ressaltamos que nosso único objetivo era não darmos mais margens aos inúmeros rumores e acusações que Rob sofre com traduções mal feitas ou modificadas.
      Sem mais,
      Juh Pattinson – Direção Robsessed Fans

  2. 7 de fevereiro de 2010 4:56 pm

    I really enjoyed reading this post, keep up writing such interesting articles!

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